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Channel SDK

Name Desc Location
iOS Hybrid SDK iOS Core Hybrid SDK MFSDKHybridKit
iOS Native SDK iOS Core Native SDK MFSDKNativeKit
Android Hybrid SDK Android Core Hybrid SDK ''
Android Native SDK Android Core Native SDK ’ MFSDKNativeKit:1.0.0’
iOS Support SDK iOS SDK for notification feature MFNotificationKit
iOS SDK for voice feature MorfeusVoiceKit
Android Support SDK Android SDK for voice feature ’ MFSDKVoice:2.5.0’
Android SDK for security feature ’ MFSecurityKit:2.5.0’
Android SDK for notification feature ’ MFNotification:2.5.0’
iOS Hybrid Sample Workspace Sample workspace Link
Android Hybrid Sample Workspace Sample workspace Link
iOS Native Sample Workspace Sample workspace Link
Android Native Sample Workspace Sample workspace Link
Core web SDK - npm Core WebSDK Link
Sample morfeuswebsdk project Sample project hosting core websdk Link
WebSDK Project Scafold npm creator WebSDK npm creator Link

Triniti CLI

A Command line utility for Triniti AI


Ensure you have the following prerequisites:


$ npm install -g triniti-cli

Available commands


$ triniti-cli [COMMAND] [ ...args ]

Version check

  $ triniti-cli (-v|--version|version)


Manage Triniti Cli configuration

Triniti Cli expects the following keys to be set.

  1. api-key
  2. api-secret
  3. username
  4. password
  5. workspace-id
  $ triniti-cli conf [KEY] [VALUE]

  KEY       key of the config
  VALUE     value of the config

  -d, --delete            delete the key
  -k, --key=key           key of the config
  -v, --value=value       value of the config


    list configurations
    $ triniti-cli conf

    Set a configuration
    $ triniti-cli conf [KEY] [VALUE]
    $ triniti-cli conf username test1

    Get a value configured
    $ triniti-cli conf [KEY]
    $ triniti-cli conf username

    Remove a configuration
    $ triniti-cli conf [KEY] -d
    $ triniti-cli conf username -d

To know more click here Triniti-CLI